Tuesday, September 14, 2010

When did I get so old?

I was registering patients at the hospital today. As I was registering a young man, through the information that was exchanged I found that I knew him and his family. The way that I knew him? I was his babysitter when he was 4 and 5 years old. He is now home from a mission, married and in law school.

How is that possible? Am I really old enough to have the kids that I babysat be getting married and having familes of their own? It makes me feel so old. I know I'm not really old, but I sure feel it sometimes.

On the other hand, it was so funny to me that we would run into each other in this way. Gosh, it's a small world.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You are hardly getting OLD! 40 is the new 20...60 is the new 40 ;o) I know what you mean, though. I think back about high school and I always think of it as being recent...it really is not. I guess everyone experiences this as they realize that someone else they considered to be MUCH younger starts going through the same things you did when you first considered them a youngen!!

p.s. I think you should post your blog link on Facebook when you do a new entry so I see when you've added to it!!