Monday, September 22, 2008

A Napkin?

So, I work with children and love the funny things that they say. This morning, my husband made me laugh so hard. Every time I thought about what happened all day long, I would laugh. So I thought I would share a laugh with everyone.

I was just waking up for work and Matt was sleeping next to me. I didn't want to get up, especially since he didn't have to quite yet. So there I am in bed. Matt started to stir, turned over, and pulled my hair. I was shocked and said, "Ow. What are you doing?" His response was priceless. He said, "Oh, sorry. I thought it was a napkin."

You just have to love the little funny things that happen. It's a good thing that we both have a great sense of humor. Hopefully, you all find it at least a little funny.

Friday, August 22, 2008

A Funny Thing....

So, I decided I would finally buckle down and get a blog started even though I'm terrible at keeping up with them. It took me a while to pick a name that I was happy with and that wasn't already being used. The funny thing is that my husband, Matt, also set up an account earlier in the day. The name of his blog: Random Thoughts. Strange how that happened, wouldn't you say?