Monday, October 24, 2011


"To be always intending to make a new and better life but never to find time to set about it is put off eating and drinking and sleeping from one day to the next until you're dead."
~ Og Mandino

I was just reading through some things online and came across this quote. It made me stop and think about what I'm doing with my life. I have tried both sides of this equation. Matt and I found the time to get debt under control and have seen the benefits in many ways. Had we not made the decision and stuck to it, we could have paid off in 5-10 years what we paid off in about 18 months.

I have also seen myself stick more on the "intending" side of the equation as well. I've seen this in the health department for sure. I always want to get healthier and start on the right track but give up on my goal and myself. I have done this with good intentions to read my scriptures every day and to journal at least once in a while. Let's just say I'm good at starting, but not so good at finishing. This "intending" side of the equation is a terrible one to be on.

So I have decided that it's time to make some changes and I want to hold myself accountable. Therefore, I am going to blog about these changes and hopefully I can truly make the changes that I want to see.

At the Mary Kay Fall Camp I went to a couple weekends ago, I heard something very interesting. The root word of decide is -cide. A few other things that have the same root are suicide, homicide, pesticide. So, -cide means to kill off. When you decide, you have to kill off all other options. That means if i decide to get in better physical shape, I have to kill of the things that would keep me from doing so. If I decide I want to pay off more of Matt's student loans, I have to kill off anything that might keep me from doing that (i.e. eating out, buying things I don't need).

I am putting this out here mostly so I can hold myself accountable, but also in case anyone wants to be my cheerleader. If you don't want to be my cheerleader though, keep your thoughts to yourself because I will have to "kill off" the things that get in my way. This doesn't mean I am threatening to kill anyone, but that I'm willing to "kill off" relationships that may be toxic to me.

So, that being said, I am going to state the changes that I will be making:

1. I will go to the gym at least three times a week.
2. I will eat 3-4 servings of fruits/vegetables every day.
3. I will read my scriptures every day.
4. I will blog or journal at least once a week.

I'm sure there are plenty more things that I SHOULD be doing, but this is where I'm starting. Hurray for DECIDING to make a change and killing off all other options......


Katie and Josh Johnson said...

Continually inspiring! That is such great perspective! I appreciate you sharing this! I have many things I intend to do, but fall way short! I am going to be trying a lot harder to keep my goals as well!

Helen said...

This is great, Christie. Inspiration and motivation come from many different sources. Success in one area (debt) is certainly an encouragement to succeed in other areas. It is amazing to see what you can accomplish once you set your mind to it. Sometimes needing to be patient in one area will lead to a reward in another. Great post!