Tuesday, September 14, 2010

When did I get so old?

I was registering patients at the hospital today. As I was registering a young man, through the information that was exchanged I found that I knew him and his family. The way that I knew him? I was his babysitter when he was 4 and 5 years old. He is now home from a mission, married and in law school.

How is that possible? Am I really old enough to have the kids that I babysat be getting married and having familes of their own? It makes me feel so old. I know I'm not really old, but I sure feel it sometimes.

On the other hand, it was so funny to me that we would run into each other in this way. Gosh, it's a small world.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Remembering 9/11/01

It will always be one of those days that you never forget. My grandma talks about hearing the news that JFK was shot. Older people remember the day Japan bombed Pearl Harbor. So many major events in history stay in our minds and we can recall them as clearly as if they were yesterday or even today.

I can remember a few times like this in my life. Watching the Challenger Space Shuttle when I was in kindergarten was the earliest one I can recall. My memory of that one is there, but not in very strong detail. I was only five and can't remember in very much detail. I remember being sad and scared and seeing teachers crying.

The terrorist attack on September 11, 2001 is a day that is forever etched into my memory. The details are still there. Thinking about it makes me emotional. Even nine years later, I can feel a great ache for that day.

The morning of 9/11 started out normally for me. I was working at a call center for DirecTV. I worked the early morning shift and was taking calls. We had monitors on the walls so we could check if station problems were with the broadcast or with the customer only. They normally stayed on the news channels unless we had to change them for the aforementioned purpose.

I was waiting for a call and just happened to look up at the monitor. The first plane had just hit and they were trying to determine what exactly had happened. I was trying to watch and read what was going across the bottom of the screen while taking phone calls. Then the second plane hit. They announced that there was an attack on America and I nearly lost it.

My Mom was to be flying into New York from San Diego that morning for a large scrapbooking thing where she would be demonstrating or something for her job. I finished the call I was on and told my boss what was going on. I HAD TO call my Mom right away. I couldn't get a hold of her. I called my Dad and he said he hadn't heard from her either. ( I think he turned on the news or radio after that because he called my Mom before her flight and told her.) He told me that her flight wasn't until a little later, but I had to hear that she was safe.

After I finally got the news that she was safe, I crumbled. I became a big mess. But I was at work and had to keep working. The calls were coming in like crazy. People with TV problems wanted to see the news so they could know what was going on. I actually had someone call from New York complaining that their installer wasn't there yet. I explained that I was sorry, but they may have to reschedule installation. I didn't know where the tech was or if they could even make it to where the customer was. The customer yelled and swore at me before requesting a supervisor. I was glad to transfer that call.

People eventually slowed the calls because who was going to call about a bill or to change programming when our country was under attack. The call center offered for several people to leave and I was happy that I got to go. I couldn't focus. I needed to know what was going on.

I remember just watching the news for hours and hours with Megan that day. I remember feeling so helpless and such great sorrow. Although there were so many terrible images on TV, there was one image that I think was the worst for me. It was seeing people JUMP from the building before it collapsed. They jumped from like 70 floors up. I can only imagine the fear and panic that would send a person leaping to their death like that. It still kills me to recall that horrible image. Several people JUMPING for fear of losing their lives.

I try to imagine what I would do in that situation. I can't come up with much. I would be praying every step of the way. I would call my family if it were possible, but I would do everything in my power to get out of that building. Thank goodness that I have never had to face something of that magnitude in my life.

My prayers and thoughts are with all those who have lost loved ones in this horrific turning point in history. I am so grateful to be an American and so thankful for the men and women that fight for our freedoms to the point that many even sacrifice their own lives for this great nation. I love America! I love the knowledge that many stand with me on this one.

God surely does bless us as a nation. May we never forget 9/11/01. United we stand. Divided we fall. Let us never allow this great nation to fall. We must stand strong as an American people and pray that God will continue to watch over us.



Sunday, September 5, 2010


I find that I avoid writing in my blog because I have the tendency to compare my writing to the other friends and family I know that blog. I'm not creative enough or I can't find the words to express myself the way that I really want to. But, I'm not really a writer. So this is more for me to try and find some form of journaling that I will actually follow through with.

As I thought about the reasons for me to NOT blog, I realized something. I use the same reasons for NOT doing a lot of things. I don't really get into scrapbooking anymore because I compare what I do to my sister and my Mom. Mom is a professional scrapbooker and Megan might as well be. They are amazing and I'm always stressing so much over whether or not my page is up to par or if it's going to embarrass me.

I'm not as good at organizing things as my little sister Liz, so sometimes I just give up, realizing that I don't have what it takes to become totally organized. Baking....forget about it. The entire family has me beat on that one. Sewing.....not my thing either.

So, why is it that I feel the need to always be comparing myself to the other people around me? I have good qualities and talents, but I find myself thinking they aren't enough for one reason or another. Then I feel justified in not trying.

That's pretty sad to think about. Maybe if I started trying new things or working on things that I'm not really good at, I might actually find ways to be good at things. What a concept, right?

So, I'm going to try to challenge myself to try new things. (I'm still not eating boiled okra though.) Whether it be trying a new recipe, learning a new craft, or going out to new places, I need some more variety in my life.

Is it just me or is there anyone else that finds themselves in a rut on a regular basis? Even when we go out to eat, which isn't very often, I always get the same thing from every place we ever go. The same sandwich from Subway, the same pasta from Archibald's, etc. I'm 30 years old and I'm BORING!! That has got to change.

I need to find inexpensive things to do that are fun and will make me feel less boring. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated. We can't spend too much because we are trying to get debt free at the same time that we are trying to put money into our "Baby Fund" for the adoption. There have to be fun things that we can do though. So, I'm on a quest to have some fun and dare to be different and try new things. Wish me luck!